
Below you’ll find the custom tools that we’ve created to help you with your lifestyle change.  If you have any questions or suggestions for these or new tools, please contact us.


What’s your Body Mass Index? – Flawed though it is, BMI is the standard by which health care professionals will assess your health.  This is good information to know, but better to use the other calculators above to plan your weight loss.

BMI Calc

BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) & TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) – This calculator will establish the baseline number of calories you should eat on a daily basis AND the number of calories that you should start eating today and for the rest of your life.

BMR Calc

Calculating your body fat is best done by water submersion or by a professional with calipers. Second best is your home scale that can test your body fat.  If you lack access to either of those thing, then using a tape measure and a scale you can estimate your body fat percentage.  This information is required for the Goal Body Weight calculation and very helpful in the BMR calculation below.

Body Fat

Military BF

Covert Bailey BF

Find out your Goal Body Weight – How much should you weigh? When you start your new healthy lifestyle, you should have a goal in mind. This calculator will help you establish that goal. You will need to know your current body fat percentage to use this calculator.

Goal Weight Calc

What’s your Waist to Hip Ratio? – Find out if the fat around your middle is putting you at risk for diseases like heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure.  No scale required.

W/H Ratio Calc

What’s your Waist to Height Ratio? – Another way to check if the fat around your middle is jeopardizing your health. No scale required.

W/HT Ratio Calc